Multicultural Women Feeding Rabbits

21 01 2013

I might not know everything about feeding rabbits, but I do know that women folk the whole world over love to feed rabbits. Yes it’s true, sex does sell…but that’s not what I’m trying to do here. I simply wanted to show that when it comes to feeding rabbits, women can be just as compassionate and nurturing as the men shown feeding rabbits outside in one of my previous posts. Is there competition between the sexes when comes to feeding rabbits? YES! But whether the tally shows it’s man or woman that is better at feeding rabbits, at least the rabbits are always winners. And that’s the important thing.




2 responses

3 11 2016
John Chang

A women who can feed a rabbit is the kind of woman I’m seeking.

3 11 2016

Hey John,

Believe it or not, there are more individuals out there that enjoy feeding rabbits than you might imagine. So keep your head up. I can tell you from personal experience, that when you find someone that enjoys feeding rabbits with you, it’s SOOO much better than doing it yourself. Consider all of the rabbit feeding you’ve done by yourself so far, to just be practice…and from what I can imagine, you’ve practiced a lot. Once you find that special someone, you’ll be able to take your rabbit feeding to the next level. Just remember that when you do find someone to feed rabbits with, to be careful, take precautions, and practice safe feeding. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment…and that’s when rabbit feeding related injuries (bites, nibbles, whisker tickles) tend to occur.

With luck, perhaps one of these days you’ll be “one lucky rabbit”. LOL

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